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Professional Liability | Business Auto |  Workers' Compensation | Commercial Property |  Commercial Auto | Business Owners Policies |  Umbrella and Excess |  Commercial Insurance Broker/Agent |  Inland Marine/Equipment & Tools | Quick Turnaround Time for Certificates

Business Insurance

At Gleason Insurance Brokers, our highly-skilled insurance specialists are dedicated to helping you find the right insurance at the right price for your business needs.  We’ve served businesses in communities of California and the surrounding region for many years, and we’ve built a reputation on our signature personalized service.  As an independent insurance brokerage, we are able to provide our clients with different quotes for business insurance policies tailored to your exact needs as a company. We offer a range of insurance products for many business activities, and stand ready to help your company get the right coverage to protect your valuable business assets.

Gleason Insurance proudly offers a range of insurance coverages for your business, including:

Professional Liability – this insurance type is also referred to as professional indemnity insurance or errors and omissions insurance.  If your company provides advice or personal services as part of your company offerings, this insurance can help protect you from costs incurred defending negligence, misrepresentation, or inaccurate advice claims made by customers.  Companies benefitting from such insurance include accounting and financial services firms, general contractors, engineering companies and some construction contractors like plumbers or handyman services. Professional liability insurance is only used against damages awarded in civil lawsuits and does not provide protection against criminal claims.

Business Auto -- Gleason is a leader in commercial and business auto insurance.  This kind of coverage protects commercial vehicles like trucks, passenger vehicles, and delivery vans in cases of accidents, property damage, and medical bills arising from injuries while operating the vehicles.  Insurance like this may include personal injury protection, uninsured motorist coverage, and other aspects to help protect company assets from liabilities incurred while operating commercial vehicles as part of your company’s business. Business auto and commercial truck insurance may be required by local, state, and Federal authorities, and the experts at Gleason can help your business find exactly the right policies for your needs.  We tailor business auto plans for specific business coverages in the most cost-effective way possible.

Workers’ Compensation – many businesses are required to carry this form of insurance by local, state, and Federal regulations.  This insurance type is designed to cover the expenses of medical benefits, lost wages, and other benefits to employees injured on the job or in the workplace. The workers’ compensation plans may also economic losses, both past and future, for injured employees.  Employees covered under this insurance are often required to waive their rights to sue an employer for negligence except in certain circumstances.

Restaurant Insurance – Insurance that covers restaurants may be comprised of several components, including general liability to protect from lawsuits arising from workplace injuries and property insurance to cover replacement or repair of company assets like kitchen equipment and furnishings.  Many states and localities may require restaurants that serve alcohol to carry liquor liability insurance.  This protects company assets from lawsuits associated with issues when an intoxicated customer your business serves goes on to commit a crime, or injures other people or property as a result of drinking in your dining establishment.  Our talented insurance professionals at Gleason can find the perfect coverage for your restaurant, no matter if you are a fine dining establishment or a casual burger joint.

Commercial Property – Commercial property insurance is designed to cover expenses related to repair or replacement of business assets if you own or lease your primary place of company operations.  Disasters can strike a business at any time, and paying out of pocket for repairs to your company can be exorbitant.  This type of insurance covers losses from theft, fire, vandalism, or even natural weather events.  Not just the building is covered; a skilled business insurer like Gleason understands that assets like equipment, computers, business records, and media must also be protected by a comprehensive insurance plan. Even the loss of income due to a covered event can be covered by one of these commercial insurance plans.

Construction Projects – Construction projects are places where workplace accidents and injuries are common. Contractors insurance helps protect your company from lawsuits arising from property damage, injuries incurred by visitors to your jobsite or business premises, and even copyright and advertising infringement claims.  These policies are designed for construction professionals in a range of trades like building contractors, electricians, plumbers, and paving companies, and protect against both physical and non-physical damages.

Umbrella and Excess – These insurance products are just as they sound – providing coverage for settlements, judgements, or repairs that are in excess of your general business liability insurance.  Think of umbrella and excess coverage as an added layer of protection for your valuable business assets. Without coverage of this type, you may have to pay uncovered expenses out of your pocket, and that can get expensive quickly.  Gleason Insurance can help you determine whether these insurance policies are suitable for your business needs, and can recommend cost-effective measures to help you get the most out of your insurance budget.

Business Packages – Many companies provide a range of business services as part of their daily operations.  Building contractors and construction companies may also operate commercial vehicles.  Even restaurants may have delivery vans or other vehicles used as part of the operation.  Gleason Insurance can help your company with comprehensive business insurance packages that cover all aspects of your complex business arrangements.  Our expert insurance agents can tailor plans to suit your exact needs, giving you the peace of mind that all of your assets are protected from injury claims, lawsuits, and loss from theft, fire, or other damages.

The Gleason Insurance Difference

We’ve been serving the business communities in and around California for many years.  In that time, we’ve developed unparalleled abilities to find the right insurance products and policies for our many clients.  We are adept at tailoring plans to suit your business needs, your budget, and your coverage desires. 

Our highly-skilled and expertly-trained insurance agents approach every client with the goal of creating lasting relationships.  We do that by providing unrivaled insurance selection, cost-effective solutions, and the personalized account service that you can count on.  Get started today with a business insurance quote from Gleason Insurance who is dedicated to working tirelessly in order to help your business.